Ms. Nieves's Supply List
Classroom Supplies
(2) box of Kleenex tissues
(1) container of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant wipes
(1) package of water-based baby wipes or Wet Ones Sensitive Skin canister
(1) 8 oz hand sanitizer
(2) rolls of paper towels
School Supplies
(1) box of 16 or 24 count jumbo Crayola Crayons
(1) box of 10 count washable Crayola Markers
(1) box of Ticonderoga Erasers
(1) scissors Fiskar’s 5 in. Blunt Tip
(1) 7.6 oz Elmer’s White Glue
(1) pack Ticonderoga My First jumbo pencils
(1) 4 or 5 pack of Play-Doh or store-brand play dough
(1) unlined notebook, labeled with your child’s name; I recommend Brian Frankel Unruled Composition Notebook, found on Amazon:
(1) art smock or old oversized t-shirt, labeled with your child’s name
(1) change of clothes including socks and underwear in a labeled Ziploc bag
These items are communal, so individual pencil boxes are not necessary.