Grade 8 Social Studies
American History: 1850 – 1960 (Road to the Civil War to the New Frontier)
For a copy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Social Studies curriculum, click here.
Grading Policy
Tests / Projects 70%
Tests will generally be conducted at the conclusion of chapters in the textbook. Students will be given advanced noticed of tests.
Projects will carry the same weight as a test grade. Students will have some amount of time to work on the projects in class with teacher direction and supervision. A rubric will accompany any project that is assigned.
Quizzes 25%
Quizzes will be completed in class. Multiple quizzes will be given each chapter..
Participation 5%
Students are expected to be prepared for class and participate. Participation includes completing individual work, working in groups, and class discussion. Students who participate when called on and complete work are considered to be participating fully in the class.
Work that is completed diligently and turned in on time has the best possible chance to receive full credit. Assignments may be turned in late in certain circumstances with parental contact. No work will be accepted once grades have been submitted and processed at the end of each marking period.
In the event that a student is absent, it is their responsibility to check with the instructor upon their return to collect any work missed. If a student is expected to miss a significant amount of time, please notify instructor and work can be prepared for the student in advance.
Grade 7 Social Studies
American History: BCE – 1853 (Early American Civilizations through Manifest Destiny)
For a copy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Social Studies curriculum, click here.
Grading Policy
Tests / Projects 70%
Tests will generally be conducted at the conclusion of chapters in the textbook. Students will be given advanced noticed of tests.
Projects will carry the same weight as a test grade. Students will have some amount of time to work on the projects in class with teacher direction and supervision. A rubric will accompany any project that is assigned.
Quizzes 25%
Quizzes will be completed in class. Multiple quizzes will be given each chapter..
Participation 5%
Students are expected to be prepared for class and participate. Participation includes completing individual work, working in groups, and class discussion. Students who participate when called on and complete work are considered to be participating fully in the class.
Work that is completed diligently and turned in on time has the best possible chance to receive full credit. Assignments may be turned in late in certain circumstances with parental contact. No work will be accepted once grades have been submitted and processed at the end of each marking period.
In the event that a student is absent, it is their responsibility to check with the instructor upon their return to collect any work missed. If a student is expected to miss a significant amount of time, please notify instructor and work can be prepared for the student in advance.
Grade 6 Social Studies
History and Geography of the Eastern Hemisphere : Pre-History – 14th Century (Early Humans through Empire & Trade)
For a copy of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Social Studies curriculum, click
Grading Policy
Tests / Projects 70%
Tests will generally be conducted at the conclusion of chapters in the textbook. Students will be given advanced noticed of tests.
Projects will carry the same weight as a test grade. Students will have some amount of time to work on the projects in class with teacher direction and supervision. A rubric will accompany any project that is assigned.
Quizzes 25%
Quizzes will be completed in class. Multiple quizzes will be given each chapter..
Participation 5%
Students are expected to be prepared for class and participate. Participation includes completing individual work, working in groups, and class discussion. Students who participate when called on and complete work are considered to be participating fully in the class.
Work that is completed diligently and turned in on time has the best possible chance to receive full credit. Assignments may be turned in late in certain circumstances with parental contact. No work will be accepted once grades have been submitted and processed at the end of each marking period.
In the event that a student is absent, it is their responsibility to check with the instructor upon their return to collect any work missed. If a student is expected to miss a significant amount of time, please notify instructor and work can be prepared for the student in advance.