Dear HFS Families,
I’d like to officially welcome you all back to school! We had a very busy first week, and I’m so excited to have the students and teachers back in the building. Our students had a wonderful week, getting to know their new teachers and reconnecting with former teachers. We also had many new students begin their first school year with us, and it was such fun starting to get to know them.
Special Recognition
I was recently informed the Holy Family School has once again been named as a School of Distinguished Instruction by the Office of Catholic Education. This award is based on the 2021-2022 Terra Nova test scores. Our students exhibited both growth and potential in their scores. This means that at least 75% of our students in all grades, 1st through 8th, exhibited a full year’s growth from the previous year and showed potential to achieve even higher than that.
Congratulations to our students, teachers, and our families.We are so proud to have received this award for the second year in a row.
Staffing Update
While we are still looking for a full time Technology Teacher, Ms. Shannon Jarvis has agreed to add Mondays to her schedule to teach Technology. We are grateful for Ms. Jarvis’s extra time with us, and with that being said…
Principal’s Spotlight
I would like to shine a light on Ms. Jarvis. Ms. Jarvis is our Music Teacher, but she is also knowledgeable in the Technology department. Her willingness to accept extra responsibilities and to utilize her expertise to help the HFS students is a gift that is greatly appreciated. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (Peter 4:10).
Dismissal Procedures
This is a friendly reminder that all parents should be waiting on the black top inside the small school yard at dismissal, not on the sidewalk. We do this for the safety of our students and families, and it would make dismissal much easier if everyone could comply with this simple safety measure. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
September Lunch Volunteers
Many of our lunch volunteers spots have been filled, and we are thankful for that, but there are still a number of openings. If you have the time, whether it be for an hour or for all 3 lunches, we would be grateful for any help you can provide. The more hands on deck we have, the safer our students will be. Click here to sign up. Remember, in order to volunteer in any capacity, you must have your clearances. Click here for more information.
Our Band program is back again this year, and it is open to students in 4th through 8th Grades. A virtual meeting will be held for parents on Monday, 9/12 at 6:30PM. Please click here to join. The webinar ID is 893 5146 5676 and the password is joinband. Parents can also access this information on Northeastern Music Programs’ website
Upcoming Dates
9/14/2022 HFS Night at Petrucci’s @ 6:00PM
9/15/2022 September Birthdays Dress Down Day
9/20/2022 7th Grade Prayer Service in St. Ann’s Chapel @ 2:15PM
9/26/2022 Home and School Dine and Donate at PJ Whelihans (Oaks)
Last week really flew by, but I am so thrilled to have our students, staff, and families back with us. On behalf of the faculty and staff of HFS, welcome back and we are looking forward to an exciting centennial year!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio