Dear HFS Families,
I am so glad to see the sun shining today! It’s a nice way to end the week, and I’m sure the students will be thrilled to get some time to play outside for the first time this week.
Congratulations and Best Wishes!
I’d like to take a moment to mention that our 1st grade teacher, Ms. Lambert, is getting married this weekend! On Saturday, the blushing bride will become Mrs. Shein (shine). On behalf of the students and staff of Holy Family School, I would like to wish her and her husband-to-be nothing but love, joy, and blessings on the beginning of their new life together. “ one another with mutual affection; anticipate one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10).
School Uniform Clarification
This is a reminder that this is a transitional year for our school uniforms. If you have items from Squad Locker, including the black hoodie, students may wear that for gym class only. Hoodies and sweatshirts are not acceptable on regular uniform days, and CYO clothing is not a part of the school uniform.
Beginning in September 2023, all students will be required to wear the uniforms from Flynn O’Hara.
Lost and Found Items
Our Lost and Found bin in the cafeteria is OVERFLOWING! Considering that we are only one month into the school year, this should not be. Please have your child(ren) check the bin for missing items, and I ask that you label your child(ren)’s clothing with first and last name or initials at the very least.
Lunch Menu
Lunch Menus for November have been posted. Please make sure you complete and submit your menus to the office on or before Friday, October 14th. Click here for the menu.
Lunch Volunteers
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help with lunch over the last couple of weeks. It is greatly appreciated. If you are interested in committing to this on a more regular basis, please contact Mrs. McNerney at If you are only able to sign up once in a while, we’ll take that too. Click here to see what days and times are available for the month of October. Just a reminder that clearances are required. Click here for more information.
Home and School’s Fall Fest
Home and School’s Fall Fest is coming up on Friday, 10/14. This will be one of the first Home and School events to be held at the school since before Covid. Needless to say, we’re all really looking forward to it.
If you haven’t signed up yet, don’t forget to do so. There are still a number of opportunities for volunteering, including student volunteers. Click here to see what’s available. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, you can click here to do so. Rumor has it that the principal will be sponsoring a trunk or treat table. I hope to see you there!
Reminder - Calendar Change
Please mark your calendars that November 7th is now a day off for all HFS students, PreSchool through 8th Grade. This will be a conference day for parents of students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Additionally, we will now be in school on Monday, March 20th. If you haven’t already done so, please make note of these changes.
Student Council Reminder
Don’t forget…for every victory our Eagles bring home, the students may wear an Eagles shirt, sweatshirt, jersey over the school uniform the next day.
Upcoming Dates
10/7/2022 Faculty Retreat/No School for Students
10/13/2022 School Mass @10:00AM in St. Ann’s Chapel
10/14/2022 Home and School Fall Fest 6:00-8:00PM in Griffin Hall
10/20/2022 October Birthdays Dress Down Day
10/25/2022 Prayer Service (3rd Grade) @ 2:15PM in St. Ann’s Chapel
10/31/2022 Halloween Parade - Details to follow
I hope you find some time to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend, and more importantly, time to enjoy one another.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio