ear HFS Families,
Happy Friday to you all! Spring has certainly sprung this week, from having beautifully mild days to rainy days. It’s been a little taste of, hopefully, more lovely days to come.
As some of you may or may not know, Father Gary Pacitti’s (St. Basil the Great Parish) mother Eleanor passed away on March 13th. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Please keep the students, staff, and families of Our Mother of Consolation Parish School in your prayers. They suffered a devastating fire last week that has closed their school building for the remainder of the year.
Principal’s Spotlight
This week, I would like to shine a light on Lyla F. in 6th Grade. Lyla is a student who consistently stands out for a variety of reasons. She is an excellent student and works hard for her grades. She goes out of her way to help others, including her teachers. Lyla is also a good friend to her classmates, and she is a stand-out role model for all around her. We are so proud to have Lyla in our midst!
Holy Family School’s Centennial Celebration
As you already know, HFS is celebrating 100 years in Catholic education! We will be at the Great American Pub in Phoenixville tonight, Friday, March 24th from 5:00PM-8:00PM. Current families and alumni (both student and staff alum) are invited. This is a 21+ event. Hors d’oeuvres will be served, and it is a cash bar. Click here to reply, or just pop in!
Living Stations
The annual Living Stations presentation by the 5th Grade is coming up on Wednesday, 3/29. Our 5th AND 6th Grade will be retelling the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Please join us for this most reverent and moving narrative at 1:15PM and 7:00PM in St. Ann’s Church.
Please keep Mrs. Mizii and our 5th and 6th Grade students in your prayers as they continue to prepare for this beloved HFS tradition.
It’s hard to believe that it’s the end of March! This year is progressing so quickly. With that being said, it’s time to order yearbooks for your child(ren). It’s always a fun, final few days of the year with the students visiting favorite teachers, the office, and their prayer partners to get their signatures or a special message inscribed in their yearbooks. Don’t delay ordering this HFS keepsake! Click here to order.
Uniform Reminders
Nail polish and makeup in any grade is not permitted. Please make sure students remove nail polish/makeup before the school week/day begins. Click here for our Student-Parent Handbook to refresh your memory as to our uniform policy.
Staffing Update
I am sorry to say that our 4th Grade teacher Ms. DiCastelnuovo will be leaving us on Friday, 3/31. I have had a few interviews this week, and I am very pleased and excited about the candidates. I am hoping to make an announcement by Wednesday of next week.
Summer Camp
If you are still looking for a summer camp for your child(ren), Pope John Paul II High School has a number of options from which to choose. See the attached flyer or click here.
Upcoming Dates
3/25/2023 Home and School’s Mother Son Event
3/29/2023 5th Grade’s Living Stations in St. Ann’s Church @ 1:15PM & 7:00PM
3/31/2023 H&S Collegeville Pizza Kit Pick-Up @ 3:00PM
4/5/2023 No School/Easter Break
4/6/2023 No School/Holy Thursday
4/7/2023 No School/Good Friday
4/9/2023 Easter Sunday
4/10/2023 Easter Monday
4/11/2023 Classes Resume/Spring Uniforms Begin
4/15/2023 H&S Father-Daughter Dance
4/19/2023 Spring Pictures
4/20/2023 School Mass @ 10:00AM in St. Ann’s Chapel
4/27/2023 April Birthdays Dress Down
4/28/2023 HFS Drama Club’s Newsies!
4/29/2023 HFS Drama Club’s Newsies!
I hope you have a lovely weekend, and I look forward to seeing some of you this evening!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio