Dear HFS Families,
Don’t look now, but the beginning of school is upon us! The teachers have begun coming in to work on their classrooms, and Mr. Tom has been working hard to get the building ready. Dare I say, the countdown has begun?
Building Update
KPI is working hard to get all of our classrooms equipped with wireless access points. This will go a long way in providing our students and teachers with consistent and reliable internet access throughout the school year.
Staffing Update
While I can’t give specific details yet, I can say that teachers have been hired for PreSchool and First Grade. Both teachers still need to complete their paperwork with the office, but the process has begun. I can’t wait to make the official announcement!
Third Grade
Given that our Third Grade has 24 students enrolled, we have decided to hire an additional Third Grade teacher. We are thrilled to provide two Third Grade classes! I have offered the position to a possible candidate, and I am awaiting that decision.
Class Lists
Because we are still in the hiring process, I am going to delay the posting of class lists until next week. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Covid Mitigation Efforts
I am still waiting on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to finalize their plan before I can officially release ours, but I can tell you that we WILL be wearing masks indoors this year. We have decided to require indoor masks regardless of vaccination status as there have been breakthrough cases with the Delta variant, and many of our students are ineligible for vaccinations at this time. Ultimately, our goal is to keep our students, staff, and families safe and to remain open for in person instruction as we did last year. I am aware that it is inconvenient and uncomfortable at times, but wearing masks helped to keep us all healthy last year. I’d rather proceed cautiously and peel back on mitigation efforts when appropriate. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Covid Waivers
Earlier this week, Mrs. Martino sent out the Covid waiver for all families to sign and return to us prior to the first day of school. If you have not done so already, please sign it and drop it off in the office or email Mrs. Martino a copy at I have attached a copy for your convenience.
Textbook Loan Certificates
Certificates were sent out earlier this month regarding the loan of textbooks and workbooks from the state of Pennsylvania. Each year, Catholic schools are allocated state funding to purchase these necessary materials, and we need to have on file a signed certificate from each family in K-8. Please sign it and drop it off in the office or email Mrs. Martino a copy at I have attached a copy for your convenience.
Uniform Exchange
If anyone has gently used maroon golf shirts in smaller sizes, please consider dropping them off at the Uniform Exchange. We are in need of them.
Please be advised that Flynn O’Hara is experiencing shipping delays. If you have not ordered your uniforms already or need a few more pieces, please stop by the Uniform Exchange to see what we have available.
Lunch Monitors
We are always looking for parents who are willing to give of their time during our lunch periods. We need parents for both indoor and outdoor lunch duty. We ask that you commit to being with us from 11-1, if possible. If not, we are grateful for whatever you can give.
Keep on enjoying those lazy, crazy days of summer, and we’ll be seeing you soon!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio