222 North Seventeenth Street • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1299
Phone: 215- 587-3585 Fax: 215- 587-2414 E-mail:
May 20, 2020
Dear Parents,
As we close out this school year, I wanted to write to you about the reopening plans for next school year. Before I do this, I wanted
to thank you for all of your support during these last several months. With only a short amount of warning, our schools mobilized
into flexible learning. Every week, we made efforts to bring a higher quality distance learning experience to you, but without your
support it would have been a failure.
After we closed school, several Covid-19 task forces were formed at the Archdiocesan level. One was formed to serve all students
from early childhood to 12th grade and one was specifically for the grade schools. Initially, these tasks forces looked at what we
needed to do to support schools so learning could continue; however, both have now shifted to being ready to meet the needs of
our schools to enable them to reopen safely. We are examining the physical, procedural and safety changes that will need to be
made to meet State Requirements and keep our children and staff safe. The elementary task force will also grow to include a
representative group of elementary principals to help in this planning process.
At this point we are looking at lessons learned in other areas that have reopened to try and establish best practices. At this point we
need to wait on guidance from the State of Pennsylvania, which has not been released yet, to help us decide on what practices we
need to modify. We are also examining multiple scenarios and options to make sure we are ready for whatever is dealt us. We plan
to communicate to you, information from these two groups during the summer months.
Let me close, by thanking you again for supporting the educational process during this challenging period. I pray for your health and
safety during these times.
God Bless,
Andrew McLaughlin, Ed.D.
Secretary For Elementary Education.