Dear HFS Families,
Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and I am looking forward to the break. All of us need the time to decompress and relax with our families. I know that Thanksgiving is going to be very different for us this year, but keep in mind that we need to keep doing everything we can to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Continue to pray for God’s guidance as we navigate our way through the pandemic, and remember to take care of yourselves and each other. “Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Principal’s Spotlight
I would like to shine the spotlight on the students, teachers, staff, and families of the HFS community. This has not been an easy time for any of us, but I am so blessed to have you all as a part of my community. I am appreciative beyond measure of the support, encouragement, and generosity you have shown us. Thank you!
HFS Promotional Video
On Monday, November 23rd, Holy Family School will be working with a professional videographer to film a promotional video for our school. He will be here for the day to film footage of our students and teachers in action. Once this video is completed, it will be posted on our website, social media, and on our Youtube channel.
We are currently reviewing our multi-media permission forms, which parents completed and submitted at the beginning of the year. A vast majority of you are fine with your child(ren)’s picture being included on our website and/or Facebook page, but if for any reason, you are uncomfortable with your child being filmed for this project, please email me at jdamelio@myholyfamilyschool.
Advancement Director
Our Advancement Director, Mrs. Margie Goljer, will be leaving us at the end of this week. She is pursuing her dream of becoming a teacher, and will begin her new position after the Thanksgiving break. While we are sad to see her go, we are thankful for the time that we had with her. She was a strong champion for Holy Family School, and she worked tirelessly to bring in new families and get the word out about Holy Family School. We wish her all the best, and as her daughter is still with us, we know we will see her often!
Continuous/Automatic Re-Enrollment
If you haven’t already begun the process, please head over to our school website to register for the 2021-2022 school year. In beginning registration earlier, it will allow us to plan more efficiently for the next school year. Click here for more information. Please submit your enrollment intention by December 22, 2020.
We are sending home a paper copy with our youngest and only students in Kindergarten through 7th grade for your convenience. Send it in to the office with your child by December 22nd.
Last week, Mrs. Martino sent out a Sign-Up Genius requesting volunteers for lunch recess monitors. As you know, this year has been incredibly difficult for everyone. In order to ensure that the students are getting much-needed time outside and that the teachers are provided with a few minutes to eat and recharge, we are reaching out to you for help. If you are available, please consider volunteering for a couple of days. Remember you must be on the Approved Chaperone list to do so. Thank you in advance! Click here to choose a day/time.
Because of the safety protocols we need to separate students. This requires more coverage. If we are unable to get the necessary coverage, there is a chance that we will be unable to take the students out at recess. We most certainly do not want to do this, but the safety of our students is paramount. If we don’t have enough volunteers to safely monitor our students, we will be forced to stay inside.
Lawn Signs Available
We have a limited number of Holy Family Lawn Signs that are available to any of our families who would like one. Please contact Mrs. Martino at or call 610-933-7562.
Thanksgiving Travel
If you and your family are travelling to another state over Thanksgiving break, please be advised that we are strongly recommending that you quarantine at home for 14 days upon your return to Pennsylvania, especially if you are visiting family in states that are considered hot spots. Click here for the most up-to-date list. As always, thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Together, we will get through this.
Upcoming Dates
11/24/2020 Faculty In-Service - No School for Students
11/25/2020 Thanksgiving Holiday
11/26/2020 Happy Thanksgiving!
11/27/2020 Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30/2020 Classes Resume
Enjoy the weekend, and stay healthy!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio