Dear HFS Families,
As we end our tenth week of distance learning, I can sense the exhaustion of everyone - students, teachers, parents, etc. This has not been an easy experience for any of us, and I am so thankful for all of the time, effort, patience, and support that has been shared amongst us all. We have an amazing community, and I am proud to be a member of that community. “So you, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:1).
I know many of you are wondering about the 2020-2021 school year and what it might look like. While I don’t have very specific information yet, I am working with the Office of Catholic Education, the Chester County Intermediate Unit, and other non-public schools in the region discussing possible scenarios and to determine best practices. In addition, the Office of Catholic Education is creating a task force to initiate similar discussions specifically designed for Archdiocesan schools. I have volunteered to be a part of that task force. We will begin meeting after the end of the school year. As things develop, I will share that information. Please see the attached letter from Secretary of Education, Dr. Andrew McLaughlin.
Lawn Signs
Our Advancement Director, Mrs. McCarthy has a number of lawn signs available advertising Holy Family School. We are looking for families who would be interested in prominently and proudly displaying these signs in front of their homes. They will be distributed on a first come, first served basis; however, we will have more available in the Fall. Please contact Mrs. McCarthy at advancement@
Principal’s Spotlight
This week, I would like to shine the spotlight on Mrs. Lickfeld, Mrs. DeSimone, and Mrs. Hull. They have continued to work with our youngest students in a fun and engaging way, and the students are just so excited to see them. It is absolutely heartwarming! I know this experience has been especially difficult for the PreSchool and PreK students, but both the teachers and students adapted to their new “normal” beautifully.
Registration is open, and we cannot wait to welcome everyone back in September! If you have not already done so, please click here to begin the process. If you’d like a paper copy, please email Mrs. Martino at If you have any questions or concerns regarding registration, please feel free to contact me at jdamelio@myholyfamilyschool.
Financial Aid
In addition to beginning the registration process, I would like to remind you that financial aid is available. Click here for more information or contact Mrs. Bahr at
Important Dates
5/25/2020 Memorial Day/No School
5/29/2020 Last Day of Academic Instruction
We are currently working on a plan for families to come into school to drop off any devices and/or textbooks that belong to the school as well as to pick up any items that students were unable to retrieve before the shut down. More information will follow in my next letter.
I hope you enjoy the long weekend and find some time to relax.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio