I usually work on my letter to you while at school, listening to the sounds of our teachers teaching, your children laughing, and the interactions of the parents as they come in and out of the office throughout the day. Today, I’m sitting in my “home office” trying to find exactly the right words for this week’s communication.
When I was first offered the position of principal here at Holy Family School, I was terrified of all the things that I thought were going to be difficult. Never did I ever think that something like this would happen, yet here we are! It’s been a stressful, emotional, and sometimes exciting week. Excited is an interesting word to use given our current situation, but it’s true. I am excited (and impressed) by the reactions of our teachers and families to our new reality. I am excited by the fact that we are all coming together to support one another. I am excited by the outpouring of love, support, and adaptation that I am witnessing on our Facebook page. Please, keep it coming. We love seeing what you’re doing at home, both from the academic and family sides. And remember, “cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Spotlight I cannot pick any one staff member for the spotlight this week, as they all are rising to the challenge of teaching from a new platform. I am thankful for them all, as I’m sure you are too. This week, I want our students to know just how much we love them and miss them. I am shining the spotlight on them. They have never had to live through something like this, and it breaks my heart that they are doing so now. They are accepting it with grace, smiles on their faces, and perpetual flexibility. We miss you all, and we are thinking about you every single day. Continue to work hard; continue to smile and laugh and enjoy this extra time with your families.
I know this is on the shorter side, but I think for now, we need to keep things in perspective and focus on what’s important - the children and each other. Please continue to keep in touch with us via email and Facebook, and we will do the same. As more information is made available to me from the Office of Catholic Education, I will share it with you.