Dear HFS Families,
I have been enjoying the weather these last few days. To have gone from a snowstorm on Monday and then such sunny and mild weather has done a lot to boost my spirits. “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Principal’s Spotlight
This week, I’d like to shine the light on Ms. Gabrielle Vetter. Ms. Vetter is our 7th and 8th Grade Science and Math teacher. Any time I walk past her room or stop in to observe, she’s always doing something engaging with the students.
Yesterday, I was invited to see the 8th Grade students perform skits on gravity. They were permitted to take any concept related to gravity, and then they had to create a skit that explained that concept and its relevance to gravity. They were both funny and informative. Ms. Vetter even discussed gravity, air resistance, and reaction time with the students and demonstrated the concept by having them try to grab a dollar bill in mid-fall. The kids had a lot of fun, and they were learning in the process.
Holy Family is pleased to announce we have been awarded a $1,000 donation from the Connelly Foundation in support of our COVID-19 mitigation efforts and the work we are doing to keep our school safe in session during this pandemic. Funds were used to purchase additional supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE). Thank you to the Connelly Foundation for their support and generosity.
High School Visitation Day
The Seventh Grade High School Visitation Day scheduled for Wednesday, March 24th has been cancelled. Next year, these students will have a visitation day in the Fall and the current 6th Grade will have one in the Spring.
Title I Surveys
This is a friendly reminder that Title I surveys are due on Monday, 3/1. Each family should have received one , so please be sure to complete them and send them in on time. Your responses help to determine how much state funding we receive for our students, and your responses are completely anonymous.
March Lunch Parents
As the weather is beginning to break, we would love for our students to get outside more often and for our teachers to have a few moments to eat and regroup. If you find that you have any time available, please consider signing up for lunch duty 1 or 2 days a week. It would be so very appreciated. Many thanks to those who have been so faithful thus far! We really appreciate your help!
Upcoming Dates
3/2/2021 HFS Read Across America/Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
3/11/2021 - 3/19/2021 Terra Nova Testing
3/18/2021 March Birthdays Dress Day
3/24/2021 Cyber Day - Students do not report to school.
3/31/2021 Easter Holidays Begin at Dismissal
I hope you have a nice weekend!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio