by Jennifer D'Amelio
Dear HFS Families,
This week has been a bit more stressful than the last couple of weeks. The first week was quite an adjustment for all of us. The second week seemed like things were beginning to fall into place, and we had accepted (somewhat) that this was our new routine. As we began the third week, and Governor Wolf announced that we would continue with the closures until at least April 30th, I wanted to cry! I allowed myself a few moments of emotion, but then I asked myself, “What are my tears accomplishing?” Absolutely nothing, but I still needed that moment to process my sorrow and disappointment over our current situation. It’s ok to allow yourselves to feel those emotions: stress, anger, sorrow, disappointment, etc., but at the same time, I’m also trying to look at the gift I’ve been given.
I treasure this extra time with my husband and son. I am “sleeping in,” as much as a boisterous 4-year-old boy will allow. My son and I are baking together. We planted sunflower, cucumber, and cherry tomato seeds yesterday, and yes, I am working! Working from home; however, allows all of us an opportunity to slow down and try some new things or revisit things we used to do. I know it’s hard sometimes to see the blessing in all of this, but take some time to do that, if you haven’t already.
Holy Week begins next week, as Christ prepares for his Death and Resurrection. Let us all remember the sacrifices He made for us, and let us all continue to make sacrifices for Him. “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33). Keep the faith, and God will lead us through this.
I would like to shine the spotlight on our upper grade students this week. Earlier this week, Mrs. Martino sent out a call to them to send in videos and pictures of what they’ve been doing since we last saw one another, and so many of them have answered the call. It brightened our days this week to see their smiling faces and to see what they’re doing to entertain themselves. Thank you, and keep them coming. We love seeing you, and we miss you all terribly!
Upcoming Dates
4/8/2020 No Classes/Holy Week
4/9/2020 No Classes/Holy Thursday
4/10/2020 No Classes/Good Friday
4/12/2020 Easter Sunday
4/13/2020 No Classes/Easter Monday
Please continue to share your feedback with us. We will continue to work together to ensure that the children are receiving quality instruction and meaningful assignments, as well as, to make sure that this process is as efficient as possible. We will continue to do so for the duration of our time at home.
Thank you, as always, for your patience and understanding. We are thinking of you and praying for you all.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio