Welcome To the 2024 - 2025 School Year!
Welcome to 6th grade!
6th grade 2024
Advent is a time to prepare for
Jesus’ Birth!
Jesus came to Love. To celebrate that – let us show love to our fellow classmates.
For our 6th grade Advent Angel, Each week you will pick a new Advent Angel
Each Wednesday you will give your Advent Angel a snack and a prayer
Each Friday you will give your Advent Angel a treat or small gift and a letter about something that you admire in your Advent Angel.
So in total you will need
3 snacks
3 treats OR small gifts (from the dollar store)
3 prayers (thoughtful and colorful)
3 letters (thoughtful and colorful)
The snack and treat is due in every Tuesday
The prayer and letter can be worked on during homeroom
The prayer and the letter must be neat, thoughtful and colorful
Write it to: and the name of your Advent Angel
But sign it from your Advent Angel
REMEMBER this is to share Jesus’ love – so do your very best – give your best
And this is a SECRET – no sharing who it is from until Friday
Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday Jesus
HFS Drama Club - High School Musical Jr. CAST LIST (2024-2025) |
Kaitlyn Bell | 6 | Martha Cox |
Ryan Bell | 8 | Zeke Baylor |
Aiden Brannen | 5 | Jock |
Abigail Callaghan | 7 | Susan/Thespian |
Alana Cintron | 8 | Gabriella Montez |
Matthew Davidson | 6 | Chad Danforth |
John Feairheller | 7 | James/Thespian |
Cameron Geiger | 5 | Cheerleader |
Jason Grono | 6 | Jock |
Sinead Hennessey | 8 | Sharpay Evans |
Sarah Huynh | 7 | Cyndra/Thespian |
Cooper Kleinfelter | 6 | Jock |
Ella Laskowsky | 8 | Ms. Tenny/Brainiac |
Elizabeth Lincoln | 8 | Ms. Darbus |
Rebecca Lincoln | 5 | Brainiac |
Kieran Lyon | 6 | Jack Scott |
Charlotte Mohan | 5 | Cheerleader |
Kaylee Oestrich | 6 | Kelsi Neilsen |
Annie Peck | 7 | Taylor McKessie |
Gabby Radliff | 8 | Kratnoff/Brainiac |
Chuck Root | 8 | Coach Bolton |
Teddy Root | 8 | Troy Bolton |
Anthony Sabatino | 8 | Ryan Evans |
Grace Sharpless | 5 | Cheerleader |
Isaac Smith | 6 | Moderator/Jock |
Molly Thiel | 7 | Cathy/Thespian |
Amanda Thornton | 6 | Cheerleader |
Han Tran | 5 | Brainiac |
•HFS Students in Grades 5-8 are eligible to participate in the Spring Musical
•Auditions are just for placement in the Musical (i.e. Everyone who signs up will be in the show)
•ALL interested STUDENTS MUST COME to AUDITIONS (Please sign up via the Sign Up Genius link or send an email to Mrs. Abell: kabell@myholyfamilyschool.org) •Students should be prepared to sing 1 minute of a song of their choosing (that best showcases vocal range). You may sing a cappella, or you may bring a karaoke track of your music to sing with. (NOTE: you do NOT have to choose a song from the show, but are more than welcome to do so!)
•Students will be asked to read portions of the script -- We will provide this at the audition, and will give you time to read over and prepare
•Come relaxed and be prepared to “get into it” (have fun, and be ready to “leave it all on the stage!”)
•If you are interested in Stage Crew/Tech only, you do not need to come to auditions. Please see Mrs. Abell to be added to the Stage Crew/Tech list.
NOTE – The SHOW DATES are April 4-5, 2025. Rehearsal schedule will be Mondays/Wednesdays after school starting in January. Cast Participation Fee for HFS Drama Club will be $100 per Student ($50 for 2nd Student/Sibling). The Stage Crew Participation fee is $30 (for meals/T-shirt).
We will collect these fees when we begin rehearsals for the show.
The HFS Drama Club Production TeamHoly Family School221 Third AvenuePhoenixville, PA 19460
My wish for you is for you to have an awesome year!
PRAY - stay close to God all year long!
Try new things - And do not be afraid to make mistakes!
Smile, have fun, Love yourself and others
Make new friends - See God in others
Ask Questions
Grow in love, respect and curiosity
And always choose KINDNESS
Back to School Prayer
Dear LORD,
Use my EYES to see New Friends
OPEN my ears to hear my teachers
OPEN my Mind to learn new things
Let my HEART remember,
YOU are near when I am afraid
Help me to LOVE others like YOU do
I want to shine your light so Bright
Here is the schedule for this year
Student Schedule | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
1st Period | ELA | ELA | Art | ELA | ELA |
2nd Period | ELA | ELA | ELA | ELA | Technology |
3rd Period | Social Studies | Social Studies | Social Studies | Music | Social Studies |
4th Period | 6th Math | 6th Math | 6th Math | 6th Math | 6th Math |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
5th Period | Gym | Religion | Religion | Religion | Religion |
6th Period | Science | Library | Science | Science | Science |
Final Exam Schedule - Looks like we made it!
Friday, 5/31 - Religion
Monday, 6/3 - Math
Tuesday, 6/4 - ELA
Wednesday, 6/5 - Science
Thursday, 6/6 - Social Studies
Calling All Students . . .
Go to this link
To get your YEARBOOK!
Class Families,
Thank you so much for your incredible support during the Holy Family School Fun Run & Color Run fundraising program. So far, we have raised over $18,000 to help us cover operating expenses, books and more. With just a few more days left, we need your help to finish strong!
TONIGHT’S CHALLENGE: The class with the most NEW DONATIONS tonight will earn EXTRA RECESS!
· Mizii, 5th Grade - $138.35/minute (100% registered)
· Rhoads, Kindergarten - $88.86/minute (94% registered)
· Cella, 2nd Grade - $75.03/minute (94% registered)
· Gorman, 3rd Grade - $71.85/minute (90% registered)
· Hull, Kindergarten - $70.36/minute (82% registered)
The BEST way to help our school is by SHARING your donation page.
Here are some Pro Tips:- Make sure you’re registered on mybooster.com FIRST! We would love to see 100% of our class registered on mybooster.com!
- Send an email to family and friends using the Easy Email Templates.
- Share your Student Star Video (your family will love it!)
- Share your student’s mybooster.com profile through social media
Thank you so much for supporting Holy Family School!
Mona SabatinoAdvancement Director
Holy Family School Families,
I wanted to give you an update on our progress! As a school, we have raised $11,687 and our class has reached $315 on our donation tracker! We think we can make it even further to help our school reach our goal of $15000 for operating expenses, books and more.
Will you help us by sharing your page with one or two more donors tonight? You can use the share tools on your mybooster.com dashboard to make it easy. If you haven't already registered your student, don't worry! There's still time to do that tonight.
We’re also having a great time discovering how to live with character as part of our fundraising activities. Make sure to ask your student what they learned on our
Grand Land Adventure today! (You can even rewatch the videos with your student at home on
Let me know if you have any questions.
P.S. To register your student on
mybooster.com search for Holy Family School Fun Run and Color Run.!
Class Families!
We are kicking off our Holy Family School Fun Run (PK-4th) & Color Run (5th-8th) fundraising campaign on 4/30. Our class is excited to help our school raise $15,000 for operating expenses, books, and more. ALL students will get to complete 35 minutes of activity at the Holy Family School Fun Run & Color Run on 5/10, powered by Booster. Students can share their donation page to earn donations for every minute they participate. It’s going to be a FUN experience for ALL!
How can you help?- Register on mybooster.com TODAY! We want 100% of our class registered!
- SHARE your student’s donation link with friends & family!
- Donate if you are able to.
Our program also comes with a world-class character theme. This year’s theme is World Changer Workshop. Students will learn the steps to make a difference from real kids while following along with a fun story about how small actions can make a big impact.
Thank you for supporting Holy Family School!
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mona SabatinoAdvancement Director
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Happy Easter Everyone!
Ash Wednesday
Take inspiration for your Lenten journey from prayer and the reading of Scripture, from fasting and from giving alms.
Prayer – Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As we pray, we are brought closer to Christ and are changed by the encounter with him.
Fasting – The fasting that we all do together on Fridays is but a sign of the daily Lenten discipline of individuals and households: fasting for certain periods of time, fasting from certain foods, but also fasting from other things and activities.
Almsgiving – The giving of alms is an effort to share this world equally—not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents.
“Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
with fasting, and weeping, and mourning” (Joel 2:12, Lectionary)PRAY
As we begin Lent, we pray for the strength to commit ourselves to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving so that we may grow to love God more each day.ACT
What will you do today for Lent? For your Lenten Sacrifice? To grow closer to your Savior?Some Idea’s for LentOne idea for each day – Add your own Idea’s – Share Idea’s- Spend 15 minutes in quiet time with Jesus
- Listen to Christian Rock KLOVE 106.9 FM
- Watch videos about your faith such as Kid Catholic
- Go to Mass
- Give up all sweets today
- Give up social media today – spend that time praying
- Give up your phone today – spend that time talking to God
- Look up and read about a saint today – Pick a name and see if you can find a saint.
- No TV today – instead spend some time in quiet prayer
- Help out around the house today, without being asked
- Spend time with your brother or sister today, helping them, playing with them and finish the time by praying with them
- No electronics today – instead spend some quiet time in prayer
- No video games today – spend that time with God
- Spend time with your mom or dad today, just helping and talking. Then end the time with a prayer
- Work an extra chore for some extra money to buy food for the food drive, so the food is from you
- Sleep on the floor tonight and think about people who are homeless and say an extra prayer for them
- Go to Stations of the Cross
- Only drink water today and think about people who don’t have the luxuries you and I have – say an extra prayer for them – many people don’t have clean water to drink
- Think twice today about what you say – and really try to only use kind words all day
- Call your grandparents today – just to say Hi and ask how they are doing. End the call with a prayer
- Go to Confession
- Skip snacking today and think about people who do not have enough food, and say an extra prayer for them
- Say the Rosary today
- Go to Mass
- Look through your closet and give some of your clothes to the poor – say an extra prayer for the poor today.
- Do you have more coats and gloves than you need – give some to the poor – say a prayer for people who are struggling today
- Learn a new prayer today – look one up or ask someone to teach you one.
- Go to confession
- Go to the Stations of the Cross
- Be careful of your speech – Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain
- Be careful of your speech – only say nice things about each other, don’t gossip
- Spend the whole time you are showering praying for people who don’t have running water.
- Talk to someone today that you don’t always talk to
- Sit with a person you don’t normally sit with today
- Pray for your teachers today
- Pray for your school today
- Compliment someone today
- Help a neighbor today
- Pray for our leaders today – our Principal, pastors, bishops, Pope and president
- Pray more every day! That’s the best way to stay close to God this lent
What are some of your ideas?What will you do this Lent?Pick something to do each and every day! You can do the same thing over and over again and you can do more than one thing a day.Make this Lent special! Make it count! Grow closer to God!Build a Lenten Journal – in it put what you are doing each day and write a short prayer.Remember Lent is for growing closer to God byFor God So Loved the World He gave His Only Son So that We might live!Kid Catholic – Lent – It’s already herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2JHJB9QevAKid Catholic How to have a good lenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt38YaJgcVUKid Catholic - What is the Season of LENT All About?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqHJEkA1xZ8Each week of Lent you will have a few assignment to complete.Keep all the assignments in your Lenten folder.The Lenten folder is due Holy Week.The first week –- Color in your Lenten journey and glue it to the front of your Lenten folder.
- Make sure your name is on it
- You can write on each day what you will do each day – or you can just color in each day as you give to Jesus
- Read through the first day’s information and suggestions
- Spend some time in prayer thinking about what you will give to Jesus this Lent. How can you make this your best lent yet.
- Listen to one of the Kid Catholic Videos
- Write a summary of the video and a prayer on what you learned from the video on loose leaf. Put it in the Lenten folder. Make sure you put your name and the name of the video on the loose leaf.
Second Week of Lent- Listen to another Kid Catholic video – On Loose leaf write a summary of the video and a prayer to help you live your best lent including things you learned from the video– make sure your name and the name of the video is on the loose leaf
- Read the readings – answer the questions
- Color in the Lenten page – talk to God as you color – glue it to the back of the folder
Third Week of Lent- Listen to the next Kid Catholic video – On Loose leaf write a summary of the video and a prayer to help you live your best lent including things you learned from the video– make sure your name and the name of the video is on the loose leaf
- Read the readings – answer the questions
- Color in the Lenten page – talk to God as you color – glue it to the inside of the front of the folder

ART to REMEMBER is coming home today!
Check it out! It is so cool!
You can get items with your child's art work on it!
It is due FRIDAY 1/19
Some service in the morning and then
ice skating in the afternoon
AND you do BOTH with your FRIENDS!
Happy New Year!
New Year's Prayer
As the dawn breaks on a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends. Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way.
Lord, we look toward you, our hope, our peace, and our comfort in this New Year. As we enter into the unknown of the coming year, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Illuminate our path with your light so that we may walk in your ways and make choices that align with your will. Help us to seek first your kingdom and trust that all other things will be added unto us.
Our Annual Christmas Pageant is
Wednesday 12/13/23
in the Chapel
Students should arrive by 6:45 in uniform with
Christmas Accessories.
See you all tomorrow night

For each week of Advent you will pick a new Advent Angel
Every student will write down their names with some of their favorite snacks and treats
Each week you will give your Advent Angel a snack and a prayer and a treat and a kind note
These are all due on Tuesday of each week.
Then once I see that I have 6 snacks and prayers – they will be given out on Wednesday
Then on Friday the treat and kind note will be given out – again once I see that I have all 6
For the prayer - It can be just a little prayer you wrote for your advent angel ~
Example ~ Dear Bethany, today you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a great day – Good Luck on your Reading Test today – I know you’ll do great and I’m praying for you! Love your advent angel
Then you need to decorate it, color it and attach a little snack to it.
The kind letter to your Advent Angel should tell them about a character trait that you admire in them. – with a little treat/gift – like cookies or a candy bar or chapstick. . .
The letter must be kind and sincere – AND about a character trait. I have a list of character traits attached to help you with this.
Then decorate the letter, color it and attach a little treat or gift
Remember to write who the prayer/snack and letter/treat is to –
BUT it is from Advent Angel

Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday Jesus
Holy Family School
Christmas Show
Wednesday December 13
1:15 and 7:00pm
All are welcome
All students are in the show!
Please note: If your child can not make the night time performance, you must email both myself and Ms. Jarvis. Thank you.
HFS Drama Club 2023-2024 presents GODSPELL JR.
AUDITIONS: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 -- 3:15-6:15pm
Please go to Sign Up Genius to sign up:
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4CAFA82AA6FC1-45799958-hfsdrama•HFS Students in Grades 5-8 are eligible to participate in the Spring Musical
•Auditions are just for placement in the Musical (i.e. Everyone who signs up will be in the show)
•ALL interested STUDENTS MUST COME to AUDITIONS (Please sign up via the Sign Up Genius link)
•Students should be prepared to sing 1 minute of a song of their choosing (that best showcases vocal range). You may sing a cappella, or you may bring a karaoke track of your music to sing with. (NOTE: you do NOT have to choose a song from the show, but are more than welcome to do so!)
•Students will be asked to read portions of the script -- We will provide this at the audition, and will give you time to read over and prepare
•There will be no callback auditions for this show; therefore, we will be treating this audition like a callback. IN OTHER WORDS: Come relaxed and be prepared to “get into it” (i.e. be silly, and be ready to “leave it all on the stage!”)
•This is not a show that requires many Stage Crew members; however, If you are interested in Stage Crew/Tech only, you do not need to come to auditions. Please see Mrs. Abell to be added to the Stage Crew/Tech list.
NOTE – The SHOW DATES are April 19-20, 2024. Rehearsal schedule will be Tuesdays/Thursdays after school starting in January. Cast Participation Fee for HFS Drama Club will be $100 per Student ($50 for 2nd Student/Sibling). The Stage Crew Participation fee is $30 (for meals/T-shirt).
We will collect these fees when we begin rehearsals for the show.
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!
My wish for you is for you to have an awesome year!
PRAY - stay close to God all year long!
Try new things - And do not be afraid to make mistakes!
Smile, have fun, Love yourself and others
Make new friends - See God in others
Ask Questions
Grow in love, respect and curiosity
And always choose KINDNESS
Back to School Prayer
Dear LORD,
Use my EYES to see New Friends
OPEN my ears to hear my teachers
OPEN my Mind to learn new things
Let my HEART remember,
YOU are near when I am afraid
Help me to LOVE others like YOU do
I want to shine your light so Bright
This year's Schedule!
6th Grade Student Daily Schedule 2023
Student Schedule | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:30 | Library | ELA | ELA | ELA | ELA |
9:25 | ELA | ELA | ELA | Music | ELA |
10:20 | Religion | Religion | Religion | Religion | Tech |
11:15 | Gym | Science | Science | Science | Science |
12:10 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
1:00 | Social Studies | Social Studies | Art | Social Studies | Social Studies |
2:00 | Math | Math | Math | Math | Math |
HELLO HFS Families!
PLEASE JOIN US as The Holy Family School Drama Club PROUDLY presents our musical production of NEWSIES Jr.!!! Our 5th-8th Grade Drama Club has been working on this show since December, and we are SO excited to bring it to the stage!!!!
HFS Drama Club Presents NEWSIES Jr.
Friday, April 28 @ 1:00pm
Friday, April 28 @ 7:00pm
Saturday, April 29 @ 1:00pm
Saturday, April 29 @ 7:00pm
Facetime Theatre
Franklin Commons
400 Franklin Avenue, Suite 109
Phoenixville, PA 19460
ALL Tickets are $10 and ALL seats are General Admission (Doors will open 30 minutes before showtime, and seat choices are first come, first served)
THANK YOU FOR your SUPPORT of The HFS Drama Club!
Hope to see you there!
HELLO 6th Grade!
PLEASE wear your GYM CLOTHES to school tomorrow (THURSDAY, April 20). We are working with PLASTER in Art Class and I don't want you to ruin your school uniforms!
We are so excited and proud about our upcoming show
All students are going to see the show Friday April 28 at Facetime Theater.
BUT, we need a signed permission slip from all students to attend
EVEN if they are in the show
ALL students must turn in a signed permission slip to attend
on Friday April 28 at Facetime Theater.
The permission slips went home last week - but I have extra if it got lost.
Order yours today!
Don't miss out! Order today
100 Celebration Monthly Collection
Hearts of Gold
We are trying to collect a total of $100 from the school community to donate to PACS
PACS is the Phoenixville Area Food Pantry
Ash Wednesday
Take inspiration for your Lenten journey from prayer and the reading of Scripture, from fasting and from giving alms.
Prayer – Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As we pray, we are brought closer to Christ and are changed by the encounter with him.
Fasting – The fasting that we all do together on Fridays is but a sign of the daily Lenten discipline of individuals and households: fasting for certain periods of time, fasting from certain foods, but also fasting from other things and activities.
Almsgiving – The giving of alms is an effort to share this world equally—not only through the distribution of money, but through the sharing of our time and talents.
“Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart,
with fasting, and weeping, and mourning” (Joel 2:12, Lectionary)PRAY
As we begin Lent, we pray for the strength to commit ourselves to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving so that we may grow to love God more each day.ACT
What will you do today for Lent? For your Lenten Sacrifice? To grow closer to your Savior? Some Idea’s for LentOne idea for each day – Add your own Idea’s – Share Idea’s- Spend 15 minutes in quiet time with Jesus
- Listen to Christian Rock KLOVE 106.9 FM
- Watch videos about your faith such as Kid Catholic
- Go to Mass
- Give up all sweets today
- Give up social media today – spend that time praying
- Give up your phone today – spend that time talking to God
- Look up and read about a saint today – Pick a name and see if you can find a saint.
- No TV today – instead spend some time in quiet prayer
- Help out around the house today, without being asked
- Spend time with your brother or sister today, helping them, playing with them and finish the time by praying with them
- No electronics today – instead spend some quiet time in prayer
- No video games today – spend that time with God
- Spend time with your mom or dad today, just helping and talking. Then end the time with a prayer
- Work an extra chore for some extra money to buy food for the food drive, so the food is from you
- Sleep on the floor tonight and think about people who are homeless and say an extra prayer for them
- Go to Stations of the Cross
- Only drink water today and think about people who don’t have the luxuries you and I have – say an extra prayer for them – many people don’t have clean water to drink
- Think twice today about what you say – and really try to only use kind words all day
- Call your grandparents today – just to say Hi and ask how they are doing. End the call with a prayer
- Go to Confession
- Skip snacking today and think about people who do not have enough food, and say an extra prayer for them
- Say the Rosary today
- Go to Mass
- Look through your closet and give some of your clothes to the poor – say an extra prayer for the poor today.
- Do you have more coats and gloves than you need – give some to the poor – say a prayer for people who are struggling today
- Learn a new prayer today – look one up or ask someone to teach you one.
- Go to confession
- Go to the Stations of the Cross
- Be careful of your speech – Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain
- Be careful of your speech – only say nice things about each other, don’t gossip
- Spend the whole time you are showering praying for people who don’t have running water.
- Talk to someone today that you don’t always talk to
- Sit with a person you don’t normally sit with today
- Pray for your teachers today
- Pray for your school today
- Compliment someone today
- Help a neighbor today
- Pray for our leaders today – our Principal, pastors, bishops, Pope and president
- Pray more every day! That’s the best way to stay close to God this lent
What are some of your ideas? What will you do this Lent?Pick something to do each and every day! You can do the same thing over and over again and you can do more than one thing a day.Make this Lent special! Make it count! Grow closer to God!Build a Lenten Journal – in it put what you are doing each day and write a short prayer.Remember Lent is for growing closer to God byFor God So Loved the World He gave His Only Son So that We might live!Kid Catholic – Lent – It’s already herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2JHJB9QevAKid Catholic How to have a good lenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt38YaJgcVUKid Catholic - What is the Season of LENT All About?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqHJEkA1xZ8Each week of Lent you will have a few assignment to complete.Keep all the assignments in your Lenten folder.The Lenten folder is due Holy Week.The first week – - Color in your Lenten journey and glue it to the front of your Lenten folder.
- Make sure your name is on it
- You can write on each day what you will do each day – or you can just color in each day as you give to Jesus
- Read through the first day’s information and suggestions
- Spend some time in prayer thinking about what you will give to Jesus this Lent. How can you make this your best lent yet.
- Listen to one of the Kid Catholic Videos
- Write a summary of the video and a prayer on what you learned from the video on loose leaf. Put it in the Lenten folder. Make sure you put your name and the name of the video on the loose leaf.
Second Week of Lent- Listen to another Kid Catholic video – On Loose leaf write a summary of the video and a prayer to help you live your best lent including things you learned from the video– make sure your name and the name of the video is on the loose leaf
- Read the readings – answer the questions
- Color in the Lenten page – talk to God as you color – glue it to the back of the folder
Third Week of Lent- Listen to the next Kid Catholic video – On Loose leaf write a summary of the video and a prayer to help you live your best lent including things you learned from the video– make sure your name and the name of the video is on the loose leaf
- Read the readings – answer the questions
- Color in the Lenten page – talk to God as you color – glue it to the inside of the front of the folder

You may find a Title I Family Survey in your child’s folder tonight. The youngest and only in each family received one. Please complete it and return it by Monday, Monday February 27th. Understand that your responses remain anonymous, and the data collected may influence the support we receive from your respective school districts.
Next week is Catholic School’s Week!
We are celebrating our Faith, our School, our Family and our Birthday!
Our school is 100 years old! What an accomplishment! But really, we have God so anything is possible!
Our Schedule for Catholic School’s Week
SUNDAY 1/29/23 Kick off Catholic School’s week by going to Mass together. Students please show your school pride and wear your school uniform to Mass.
MONDAY 1/30/23 Student Appreciation Day! Sixth grade will dress down in styles from the 60’s (Each class has a different decade) Think jeans and hippies. Students will have a dance party showing off their moves. 6th grade is dancing the Twist. And the students are getting a small treat. Plus no tests or homework this day.
TUESDAY 1/31/23 Celebrating our Community! Students will make cards for shut-ins, The school as a whole is trying to collect 100 wipes and boxes of crackers for a local shelter. Students wear their school uniform
WEDNESDAY 2/1/23 celebrating our Education – Students dress down in their team color – either red or blue. We will have our Academic Challenge – PLUS we put some trivia questions in the challenge on the school’s history. The trivia has been announced during morning announcements – I hope everyone was listening!
Kieran | Ryan |
Marcus | Leo |
Jack | John |
JP | Trey |
Teddy | Chuck |
Anthony | Noah |
Alana | Rex |
Lyla | Keira |
Ella | Sinead |
| Gabby |
THURSDAY 2/2/23 Celebrating our Faith, Family and 100th Birthday. Students will receive special birthday shirts to wear over their school uniform. We have Mass at 9:30. All are invited! And it’s a special Mass! Celebrating 100 years of our school, Celebrating Catholic School’s week, and celebrating our family and grandparents. All are invited. But please let us know if you are coming – BECAUSE – after Mass we will all be getting cupcakes! Parents and Grandparents are welcome to come back to school for a cupcake and a visit with your child in their classroom.FRIDAY 2/3/23 Celebrating our Faculty and Staff and Panther Olympics. Students will wear their Gym Uniform, and they will get a head band with the color of their team to wear. Panther Olympics is held in the afternoon.Here are the teamsWHITE | BLACK | MAROON | GRAY |
Ryan | Jack | Sinead | Kieran |
Marcus | Leo | Trey | Keira |
John | Ella | Chuck | Lyla |
Anthony | Gabrielle | Noah | Teddy |
| JP | Alana | Rex |
We Love our Catholic School
Student Council Upcoming Events January and February 2023
Student Council has some fun events coming up . . .
For the Super Bowl – On Thursday Feb 9 students can dress down in their favorite team’s colors – Hopefully we will all be in Green – Go Birds!
- Friday February 10 is our actual 100th birthday so the students will be wearing their 100th birthday shirt they are receiving next week from school.
For Valentine’s Day – Student Council is selling Candy Grams for a dollar. For one dollar the students can send a full size Hershey Chocolate bar to their friend, or brother, or sister, or prayer partner, or favorite teacher. The Candy grams are on sale now until Feb 7. They will be delivered on Valentine’s Day Tuesday Feb. 14
For Fat Tuesday – Student Council will be selling full size donuts for one dollar at all the lunches. No need to preorder. Just bring one dollar to school on Tuesday February 21.
Thank you,
Your Student Council
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Happy Advent! As we prepare the way for our Lord, Student Council has planned some fun activities for December.The 12 Days of Christmas starting Tuesday Dec 6 – appropriately enough – St. Nicholas’ Birthday! And going right up to Dec 23 with our Christmas Spirit Competition. For all 12 days we will be hiding an elf. Anyone who finds the elf will win a small prize. Here is the line upAll 12 Days – Find the Elf – win a small prize Tuesday 12/6 – St. Nick’s Birthday – the student’s will find little candies on their desk when they come into school.Wednesday 12/7/22 – Read a Christmas Book! Teachers and Parents, please read a Christmas book to your class/child today.Monday 12/12/22 – Christmas Raffles – Throughout the day Student Council will call out names of students to win prizes – all day long!Tuesday 12/13/22 – Christmas PJ day. Or just PJ day if you don’t have Christmas PJ’sWednesday 12/14/22 – Good Deed day – We are reminding the students to do a good deed today and everyday – as gifts to Jesus for his Birthday and to stay on Santa’s Good ListThursday 12/15/22 – Hot Chocolate and Bake Sale. Student Council will be giving everyone a cup of Hot Chocolate at lunchtime and selling homemade baked goods for a dollar each.Friday 12/16/22 – Christmas Movie day – Each class will take some time to enjoy a Christmas movieMonday 12/19/22 – Christmas Accessories – Students may add Christmas accessories to their uniformTuesday 12/20/22 – Christmas Prayer Partner Activity. Teachers will work together to come up with and activity for their class and their prayer partners.Wednesday 12/21/22 – The Student Council will be Christmas Caroling around the schoolThursday 12/22/22 – SANTA will visit the School!Friday 12/23/22 – Christmas Spirit – Students will dress in their best Christmas clothes – or Christmas colors – it’s a dress down day with Flair! Prizes will be awarded at each lunch. Merry Christmas – Your Student Council
6th Grade will go to the Santa Shop on Tuesday 12/6 at 8:20
Please bring money if you want to shop!Santa Shop Parent Information
It’s the most wonderful time of the year - time for Santa Shop!
Santa Shop is a Home and School Fundraiser where students can select gifts for their loved
ones while raising money for the school at the same time. Classes will come to the Santa Shop
on either December 5th, 6th, or 7th. The shop will also be open for family shopping on Tuesday,
December 6th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
We need YOU to help us with Santa Shop. Here’s how you can help...
1. Volunteer! If you are interested in helping, please sign up by visiting bit.ly/santahfs.
You are welcome to sign up for multiple time slots. Clearances are required to volunteer,
with the exception of Santa Shop set-up and tear-down.please sign up by clicking here
2. Be an Angel sponsor - We want this event to be an experience where all students can
participate, regardless of financial means. You can be an “angel sponsor” by sending in
an envelope labeled “Angel sponsor” with a small donation in addition to an envelope
that you are sending in for your own child. Any students who are unable to participate
due to financial hardship will then have the opportunity to experience the true meaning of
Christmas - giving - by selecting something for their loved ones.
Keep an eye out for Santa Shop info coming home on Tuesday, November 22nd. Please return
Santa Shop envelopes and Angel sponsor envelopes by Friday, December 2nd.
Thank you!
~ The Santa Shop Committee
Jenna Rufo, Andrea Mather, Melissa Blanco
Hello everyone,
A few weeks ago,
the 100 th anniversary committee
met to come up with activities to
Holy Family
School’s 100th anniversary.
Along with Grandparents’ Day, Mass, and a birthday cake, which we
celebrated during Catholic Schools Week,
we will also be having monthly collections for local charities.
There will be a different theme each month, and we will be trying to collect 100 items each month.
We don’t expect families to give every month, Please pick and choose and only give what and
when you can.
December: Toys (Christmas)
January: Lysol wipes and snack crackers
(cold and flu season)
February: Breakfast Bags
(for shut-ins during the winter months)
March: Pot of gold (100 dollars)
($1.00 from each student)
April: cleaning supplies (spring cleaning)
May: diapers (Mother’s Day)
Giving Tuesday 2022We are looking forward to tomorrow, November 29, this year’s #GivingTuesday! Join with us and share the excitement of the giving season. We ask for your support of our Annual Fund, which helps bridge the gap between tuition payments and operating expenses.
As we prepare for tomorrow, we are reminded of the words shared earlier this year by our Student Council President Joseph Fanelli, Class of 2023:
“…. As we all know, this year is special. It is our school’s 100th year and it’s natural for us to look back and understand the responsibilities we have to live up to our school’s reputation that has so far taken 110 years to build.
The building of our school started on June 25, 1922. Fr. Wilson, the pastor of St. Ann’s Parish worked with the people of St. Ann to build the school and the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary agreed to teach the children who attended. Construction was completed on February 4, 1923. That first year there were 145 students. In 1958 a new building was added to make room for more students and Mother Rita became the principal of the new, bigger school. In 1986, St. Ann’s, Holy Trinity, St. Basil’s and St. Mary’s merged their schools. Then, on New Year’s Eve in 1989, the school name changed to Holy Family School. In the 1990s our school added Kindergarten and Preschool programs, the children at St. Joseph’s Parish joined our Holy Family “family” and Mrs. Dura became our first lay principal. In the 2000’s, Mrs. Dura handed her leadership to Mrs. Braca, then Mr. Dever and now to Mrs. D’Amelio. Today, in 2022, we celebrate our history and think about our future timeline. The most interesting thing about our timeline after 2022? It’s blank! It is now up to us to decide what will be written next.
As we work to build what comes next, we should think about the lessons of the past. In 1922, there were no airplanes, cars or highways, no cell phones or internet. A World War had just ended, the Great Depression would start just six years after our school was built, and a second horrible World War was coming soon. But, through all of that, our school survived and thrived. I think a big reason for that is because our Holy Family community of teachers, priests, sisters, parents and students focused on their faith and on living the teachings of Jesus. He taught us to love and serve one another the way he loved and served us. Those who came before us did just that. This is what makes our school different and why Holy family School has had a special place in this community for the past 100 years.”
Our school has indeed thrived. It has done so because of your support and the care and dedication of all of those who have come before us. We hope you will join us again this year, in honor of our rich history and strong values that have lasted 100 years.
As an extra incentive to give, all families who contribute to the Annual Fund on #GivingTuesday will be entered into a drawing for their student and a friend to enjoy a special lunch with the Principal. Help us spread the word by asking family and friends to contribute and join in the enthusiasm for supporting our wonderful school.
If you’d like to give today, and give us a great head start, visit https://www.myholyfamilyschool.org/annual-fund. Your early gift will also count toward entries to win Lunch with the Principal. Thank you for your continued support!
TO THE CAST OF NEWSIES!HFS Cast Member NameGradeNewsies Jr. RoleRyan Bell6Tommy Boy (Newsie) & BillLeah Bernat8Katherine Plumber (Reporter)Keira Brannen6Ada (Bowery Brigade) & "Scab" #2 (Newsie)Abigail Callaghan5Hannah (Pulitzer's Secretary) & Police OfficerAlana Cintron6Race (Newsie)Isabella Coleman7Pat (Announcer) & NewsieJulie Cucinotta7Pigtails (Newsie)Molly Cusatis7Romeo (Newsie)Morgan Duffy7Albert (Newsie)Brooke Emery7Hazel (Newsie)Michael Fennell7CrutchieSarabella Firkin7Muriel (Newsie)Lyla Fromhold6Nancy (Newsie) & DorothyMatteo Fontana7Newsie EnsembleSinead Hennessey6Medda LarkinSarah Huynh5Darcy & Woman CustomerCaroline Keough5Ethel (Bowery Brigade) & "Scab" #1 (Newsie)Kevin Kerr5Seitz (Editor of the World Paper) & Police OfficerElla Laskowsky6Bunsen (Pulitzer's Bookkeeper) & NewsieRachael Marple8Buttons (Newsie)Lilly McCarthy8Specs (Newsie)Brendan McCarthy7Newsie EnsembleMolly McCarthy7Newsie EnsembleAnnie Peck5Olive (Bowery Brigade) & "Scab" #3 (Newsie)John Peck7Snyder (Refuge Warden)John Pizzica7Oscar DelanceyTrey Pizzica6Morris DelanceyTeddy Root6WieselAnthony Sabatino6Les (Newsie)Vincent Sabatino7Davey (Newsie)Xavier Smith7Joseph PulitzerWill Spillane5JoJo (Newsie) & Gov. Teddy RooseveltMolly Thiel5Spot Conlon (Brooklyn Newsie)Jacob Thorn7Jack Kelly (Newsie)