Dear HFS Families,
Happy Friday, and what a beautiful Friday it is! While it’s been a bit warm and muggy in the building this week, I know that the students and teachers have been working very hard. I’ve visited some of our newer teachers’ classrooms this week, and I am happy to see the connections that are being made.
Principal’s Spotlight
This week, I would like to shine a light on all of our new faculty members: Mrs. Tricia Garcia (PreSchool); Mrs. Lynette Smith (PreK); Ms. Brittany Lambert (1B); Ms. Allison Foltz (2); Mr. Matt Chiappetta (3B); Mrs. Mary Beth Horner (STEAM).
We are so grateful for the time and talents that you share with us everyday, and we’re thrilled to have you as a part of our HFS community. “For we His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works that God has prepared in advance, that we should live in them” (Ephesians 2:10).
Student Handbook
If you have not already perused the Student Handbook, please find some time to do so. There is important information regarding uniforms, grades, etc.
Additionally, I would like to remind our 5th through 8th grade students/parents of a few things:
Failure to comply with the dress code will result in demerits. Teachers will be provided with cotton balls and eye makeup remover/nail polish remover. I would also like to touch on dress down days. All clothing items should be appropriate in nature and follow the same general guidelines listed above.
Lunch Monitors
We are always in need of Lunch Monitors, and we are so grateful to those of you who are giving your time! If you are on the Approved Chaperone List, please consider signing up through the Sign-Up Genius. Click here to get started. We are particularly seeking those who can commit to specific days and times regularly. If you are able to do that, please contact the office at, and we can get you on the calendar on a permanent basis. Thank you in advance!
Upcoming Dates
10/7/2021 School Mass @ 9:30AM in St. Ann’s Chapel
10/15/2021 No School for Students/Faculty Retreat
10/21/2021 Student Council Installation @ 9:30AM in St. Ann’s Chapel
10/28/2021 2nd Grade Prayer Service @ 2:15PM in St. Ann’s Chapel
October Birthdays Dress Down
I hope you find the time to enjoy the weekend and spend some quality time with your families.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio