Dear HFS Families,
We concluded our week with a very exciting basketball tournament in 5th through 8th Grades. I was impressed to see the competitive spirit in our students, and I was even more impressed by their good sportsmanship. The culmination of the game was the 8th Grade vs. the Teachers. While many would think that the 8th Grade would reign supreme, the Teachers didn’t let that happen. It was a very close game, with the Teachers coming out on top 5-4. Lots of fun was had by all, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a rematch before the end of the year!
Continuous Enrollment
Registration is open for the 2022-2023 school year. If you have not signed up for Continuous Enrollment yet, please do so. This will guarantee that your child(ren) has a spot reserved for them from now through their 8th Grade year. This process allows you to skip the registration process for the remainder of your child(ren)’s time here at HFS, and it helps us to plan staffing for the upcoming school year.
If you are experiencing any difficulties in completing the form, please let us know. We are happy to walk you through it. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Advancement Director, Mrs. McNerney or the principal, Mrs. D’Amelio.
6th Grade Lent Food Collection
Each year, Mrs. Seiverd and the 6th Grade collect nonperishable food items throughout the Lenten season. The food items are collected by the Hibernan Hunger Drive and then distributed to the Patrician Society of Norristown through the Notre Dame Division 1. The homeroom that brings in the most food items wins a dress down day. The food item for next week is prepared/boxed foods (macaroni and cheese, stuffing, hamburger helper, etc.).
March Lunch Volunteer Sign Up
If you have any availability to help monitor the students during lunch time this month, we would be most grateful. By volunteering your time, teachers get to have a few minutes to eat their lunches and get ready for the afternoon session.
If you are on the Approved Chaperone List, click here to see what days and times are available. Any little bit helps! A big thank you to those of you who have been consistently giving of your time!
Home and School Reminders
Upcoming Dates
3/24/2022 7th Grade Universal High School Visitation Day
March Birthdays Dress Down Day
3/25/2022 Faculty In-Service/No School for Students
3/31/2022 Kindergarten Prayer Service in St. Ann Chapel @ 2:15PM
I hope this weekend brings you some rest and relaxation.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio