Dear HFS Families,
Happy New Year! It never fails to amaze me how quickly the year passes, and yet here we are. While I’ve never been very good at following through on resolutions, I can say that I will make it a goal of mine to focus on and be thankful for the many blessings I have in my life.
Principal’s Spotlight
This week, I would like to shine a light on our PreSchool/PreK teachers - Mrs. Carolyn Cucinotta, Mrs. Beth Orr, Mrs. Lynette Smith, and Mrs. Janell Lamperti. Being an educator can be a very demanding job and a very rewarding job, but I think there is a special place in Heaven for these teachers. They juggle so many responsibilities on a daily basis, and it does not go unseen. Our youngest Panthers are so incredibly lucky to have them as their springboards into their academic careers.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service is quickly approaching on Monday, January 16th 9:00AM-11:00AM. This is always an excellent opportunity to give back to your community and Holy Family School. Activities will be divided according to grade levels, and it’s always a fun way to get involved. If you’re interested, please click here to sign up.
Dine and Donate
This month is a special Dine and Donate opportunity as it will be every Tuesday through the month of January. If you’re just not in the mood to cook or you’re looking to get out of the house, enjoy the delicious offerings of Iron Hill Brewery on Bridge Street in Phoenixville. Show the attached flyer to your server, and HFS will receive 20% of your food bill. Such an easy way to support HFS!
February Lunch Menus
Lunch Menus for February are due on Friday, 1/13. Please make sure you write your child(ren)’s name(s) on the menus and that they are sent in on time. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept late menus. Click here to download the menu, and click here to make the payment.
January Lunch Volunteers
We are looking for parent volunteers during lunches for the month of January. If you have any availability, please consider signing up. Bonus - You get to spend some time with our cute students! Click here to sign up.
Mark Your Calendars!
On Wednesday, 1/18 at 7:00PM, the Crime Victims of Chester County will be presenting a session on bullying for our 5th through 8th Grade families. More details to follow.
Family Bingo Night will be on Saturday, 1/28 in the school cafeteria 6:00PM-8:30PM. It’s a fun night, and we hope to see you there!
Upcoming Dates
1/12/2023 School Liturgy (4th Grade) @ 10:00AM in St. Ann’s Chapel
1/16/2023 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service/No School
1/18/2023 Crime Victims of Chester County Presentation
1/19/2023 January/July Birthdays Dress Down Day
1/24/2023 Prayer Service (2:15PM) @ 2:15PM in St. Ann’s Chapel
1/28/2023 Family Bingo Night 6:00PM-8:30PM in HFS Cafeteria
1/30/2023 Catholic Schools Week Begins - Details to Follow
I hope you all had a wonderful first week of 2023, and we look forward to all of the blessings, laughter, and love awaiting us this year. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit” (Philemon 1:25).
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio