Dear HFS Families,
It’s hard to believe that August has arrived. While this summer has certainly been different than what we typically experience, I hope that you are finding it restful and enjoyable. “Therefore I praised joy, because there is nothing better for mortals under the sun than to eat and to drink and to be joyful…” (Ecclesiastes 8:15).
The start of school will be here before we know it, and I know you are anxiously awaiting the official plan for the upcoming school year. After reviewing it with faculty and staff, we discovered that there were parts of the plan that need to be re-evaluated and adjusted. While it was my hope to share the completed version with you today, the faculty, staff, and I are working hard to make the necessary amendments so we can provide you and your families with the best possible plan in the very near future.
Online Learning
In the discussions we’ve had over the last few weeks, some of you are opting for online learning. Please be advised that you will need to make a decision regarding that choice no later than Friday, August 21st. The faculty and staff need to finish setting up their classrooms so that we can ensure 6 feet of social distancing. Please email Mrs. Martino at with your child(ren)’s name and grade so we can make note of it.
In order to assist you in this decision, more information regarding the online learning and its policies and procedures will be shared through our HFS plan once the faculty and I have finalized it.
Uniform Update
We have contracted with Squadlocker for our gym uniforms. Once we receive the link, we will share it with you so you can visit the Holy Family School Store to select your items. Purchases will ship directly to you within 10-14 business days.
Because we are switching to a new company, this will be a transition year for gym uniforms. If you already have your uniforms, or you have picked up items from the Uniform Exchange, you may certainly still use them.
Uniform Exchange
I would like to thank everyone who has donated items for our uniform exchange. At this time, we are not accepting any more donations as we have a surplus of items. They have very recently been organized and are available for anyone who would like to stop by and make some selections.
Staffing Update
Based on registration numbers, we will be having two Kindergarten classes this year. Mrs. Casas has accepted the Kindergarten teacher position. We look forward to Mrs. Casas and Mrs. Rhoads working together again.
August Office Hours
Our office hours for the month of August are Monday through Friday 9:00AM-2:00PM.
I hope you are safe at home weathering the storm today, but if you are out and about, please drive safely.
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio