Dear HFS Families,
As August progresses, my to-do list continues to grow, but I’m satisfied that I have also been systematically checking things off, especially in the last week or so. I imagine some of you might be feeling the same way as you prepare for back to school.
This particular posting contains a great deal of information, so please make sure you read it thoroughly.
Staffing Update
There will be two 2nd Grade classes this year. Mr. Andrew Snyder, our resident Reading Specialist, will be joining Ms. Saxon as her grade partner this year.
I am sorry to share with you that our Physical Education teacher Mr. Peffle will be taking a leave of absence this year. We are sorry to see him take a step back, but we wish him well, and we look forward to his return.
The Physical Education position has been posted via the Archdiocesan website, and I have interviews set up for next week. As soon as a candidate has been hired, I will let you know.
School Supplies
In preparing for the upcoming school year, Ms. Schreiner has informed me that many of our students experienced some issues with headphones and Chromebooks last year. She has found and tested 2 options for our students. Students in Grades 5-8 should purchase one of the following products: the Dell Pro Stereo Headset or the Kensington USB Hi-Fi Headphones. If you prefer to purchase a different item, please make sure that it’s a USB headset with a microphone that’s compatible with Chromebooks.
Attached to this communication you will find a Covid Waiver. This form comes directly from the Office of Catholic Education, and the office has mandated that this waiver be signed and on file before a child is permitted to begin the school year. Please sign and return the form to Holy Family’s School office by Friday, August 28, 2020. No child will be admitted to the school without this signed waiver.
HFS Reopening Plan
Attached is the long-awaited Reopening Plan for the 2020-2021 school year. I ask that you read it thoroughly as there is a significant amount of information. I will hold a Zoom meeting next week to address any questions or concerns you might have. A separate email with the Zoom invitation will be sent out next week.
Please keep in mind that this is a living document of sorts. While the teachers and I have worked hard to outline policies and procedures, it’s very different to see those policies and procedures in action. If and when any issues arise, we will address them and make the appropriate adjustments to our plan.
As per our Reopening Plan, we are using 1 day a month as a Cyber Day/Catch Up day for students and staff. Those days are as follows: Monday, September 28th, Tuesday, October 27th, and Wednesday, November 18th. With this in mind, please do not order lunch for Monday, September 28th.
Online Learning
In the discussions we’ve had over the last few weeks, some of you are opting for online learning. Please be advised that you will need to make a firm decision regarding that choice no later than Friday, August 21st. The faculty and staff need to finish setting up their classrooms so that we can ensure 6 feet of social distancing. Please email Mrs. Martino at with your child(ren)’s name and grade so we can make note of it.
Please see the following attachments:
The HFS Reopening Plan
The Catholic Education Coronavirus Taskforce Newsletter from the Office of Catholic Education
CHIP flyer
Car Line Schematic and Procedures
Phew! There’s a lot of information to digest in this posting, but I hope that you have found this to be helpful in the decisions that you are currently facing. I know this isn’t easy, but please know that we at HFS are here for you and your children. We are praying for you all as you make the decision that best fits your family’s needs. “The human heart plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps” (Proverbs 16:9).
I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Stay safe and healthy!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Jennifer D’Amelio