7th Grade - English Language Arts is a 2 period block.
In the time allotted for the ELA block, HFS students are instructed in
Grammar, Vocabulary, Literature, Writing and Speaking & Listening.
Two report card grades are earned each trimester:
The Reading Grade is weighted:
Participation and Homework 15% (dsicuss readings and participate in class work)
Classwork 25% (prepared and on-time)
Tests and Projects 60%
The Writing Grade is weighted:
Participation and Homework 10% (participate actively in writing workshop and peer-editing)
Classwork 20% (complete and on time)
Quizzes 20% (Vocabulary and Simple Solution quizzes - weekly)
Tests and Essays 50% (Most essays will be written in class - Tests are on grammar textbook and activities)
Homework will be posted on Google Classroom
Tests and quizzes will be assigned in advance